Tag Archives: Computer Virus

Top Anti-Virus Fail Basic Security Tests

Still relying on your trusted branded anti-virus to protect you from malicious attacks on your computer – then think again! A Redditor has run his own tests to find that almost all top Anti-virus software fails miserably. Redditor, man_on_the_train devised his … Continue reading

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Virus Self Destructs and Kills Your PC

The Virus steals login data from your windows computer. It can also steal data you enter on any website, including your bank. If you try to remove the virus named Rombertik, it will delete key files on the computer, making … Continue reading

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Lenovo PC Maker Installs Malicious Adware

Lenovo the computer maker has been caught installing malicious adware in its laptops and PCs. The adware – dubbed Superfish – was potentially compromising users security. The software was hidden from users and injected adverts on to users web browsers … Continue reading

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PC Infection Symptoms

Ever wondered if your computer has a virus or malware on it? Then compare these common symptoms with your own compter’s performance. The most apparent sign of an infected computer is “slow computer” syndrome: your Internet connection becomes strangely sluggish, … Continue reading

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Avira System Rescue CD

Sometimes when your computer is badly infected with a virus or malware it will not boot (Start) Windows. You will have to start your computer from a Rescue CD to clean out the infection. Booting from the Avira Anti-Virus Rescue … Continue reading

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