About Us

The SafeToNet Project is a non-profit organisation working towards the day when every person can use the internet without fear of having their identity or financial details stolen.

The Internet is a great resource. However, the price of banking, shopping, and interacting online is the ease with which other people can now steal your information. As we become more reliant on modern technology, we also become more vulnerable to cyber attacks. SafeToNet aims to secure you from cyber attacks and other malicious infections and allow you to enjoy a safe secure online experience.

When it comes to accessing the internet safely the vulnerable and less technically able have been left behind. The amount of internet scams being perpetrated on the most vulnerable (who should benefit most by using computers be it staying in touch with loved ones or benefiting from financial transactions online) increases daily. This leads to many people refusing to use the internet and many who have been victims give it up altogether.

SafeToNet plans to redress this issue and allow all levels of ability to enjoy a secure internet experience.

We are developing open source tools so everyone can access the internet safely without fear of the root causes of infection: malware, viruses, scam-ware, adware and other problems.

There are many introductory computing courses available. However, due to funding constraints these courses offer only the basics in using Microsoft Windows, Email, Google Search and Anti-Virus programmes. Unfortunately, they don’t have the resources to explore free open source programmes or to allow follow up sessions and many people are then left to their own devices.

Vulnerable and less technically able users need to know that using these programmes can bring difficulties. For example: Microsoft Windows Operating System is the most popular operating system and therefore the most attacked by cyber criminals. It needs constant security updates and vigilance against computer infections. Using Email brings its own security issues with many computer infections spreading through email attachments. Google Search records and stores information from your computer that can be used to compromise you. Installing an anti-virus programme with no knowledge on how to use it gives a false sense of security.


digitalbritainDigital inclusion is about social inclusion in the information age. That means making sure everyone has equal access to – and the skills to use – information and communication technologies such as computers and the internet. SafeToNet aims to decrease the digital divide and make using the internet safe and easy no matter what level your skillset is at.


SafeToNet also tackles another issue: environmental waste. There are an estimated 30 Million computers lying unused around the UK. Just because your old computer won’t run the latest version of the Windows Operating System doesn’t mean you have to put it out to pasture and join the upgrade band-wagon. Computer salespeople will tell you that you need a new more powerful computer every few years to keep up to date with software upgrades, such as operating systems and office programmes, etc.

See some of the examples of what can be achieved by reusing your old computer and SafeToNet. if you have one of the 30 Million plus computers lying in your loft or garage, unused, or are planning to dump your old computer then consider using SafeToNet as it can be used on old low specification computers.

SAFETONET can do lots to ensure your internet safety but you as a user still have to be careful about giving out personal information to any sites you visit.

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