SafeToNet OS v2.0


STN-GLOBE-LOGOThe Internet is a great resource and should be a secure place where you and your family can communicate, learn, bank, shop, and share without having to worry about the safety of your personal information.

However, as we become more connected to and reliant on the internet, we also become more vulnerable to the risk of theft, fraud and abuse. SafeToNet can help secure you from these cyber attack threats and other malicious infections.

Download a FREE copy of SafeToNet Linux V2.0 here

(For low spec PC’s download SafeToNet V1.0).

What is it?

SafeToNet is a free Linux Operating System that allows you to surf the internet without infecting your computer. It can also be used as stand-alone kiosk software.

safetonet-cdSafeToNet runs from CD or a USB Flash Drive using the computer’s memory, rather than installing and loading from the hard disk drive. Safetonet can run on a computer without a hard disk drive, or even one with a corrupted hard disk drive or file system.

SafeToNet is Linux based and because it is not installed it is immune to viruses and other malicious infections that could otherwise expose your personal data. No changes are made to the existing operating system on the host computer and when you exit Safetonet it returns to its previous state.

SafeToNet can also be used to protect children or older people starting to learn how to use the internet and by anyone else who does not feel comfortable online. It can also be used when relatives/friends want to use your computer to go online and you are worried that they will inadvertently download a virus or break your computer.

The software also operates on low specification computers enabling older computers to be dedicated to online use rather than be discarded.

SafeToNet is built with Tiny Core Linux and uses the Open Source Mozilla Firefox web browser. This is configured to be unchangeable and therefore it cannot be attacked, hacked or cracked.


SafeToNet V2.0 uses the startpage search engine to enhance your privacy and security.

Startpage Screen ShotMost people use the Google Search Engine as that’s what their computer comes with. However, did you know that Google saves your searches along with your profile? Startpage offers you Web search results from Google in complete privacy! It’s a no brainer – get google search results and keep your privacy!!!

When you search with Startpage, they remove all identifying information from your query and submit it anonymously to Google themselves. They get the results and return them to you in total privacy.

Your IP address is never recorded, your visit is not logged, and no tracking cookies are placed on your browser. When it comes to protecting your privacy, Startpage runs the tightest ship on the Internet. Their outstanding privacy policy and thoughtful engineering give you great search results in total anonymity. Here are some of the key features:

  • Free proxy surfing available.
  • Praised by privacy experts worldwide.
  • Fourteen-year company track record.
  • Third-party certified.
  • No IP address recorded.
  • No record is made of your searches.
  • No identifying or tracking cookies used.
  • Connection using powerful SSL encryption.

To learn more, check out the Startpage privacy page and read the privacy policy.

Ensure Your Security & Privacy Further With The Ixquick Proxy Option.

Startpage only protects your privacy when searching. When you click directly on a search result, you leave the protection of Startpage as a direct connection with the third party website is established.

Startpage search results offer you the option of using the ixquick proxy

ixquick proxy linkIn the picture above you can see a ‘View by Ixquick Proxy’ link beside the normal search result. Click this link to use the proxy.

How the proxy works

Ixquick goes to the website you select, retrieves the page, and displays it for you. You are invisible to the website. They see only Ixquick’s IP address, not yours.

Since you never make direct contact with the website, they can’t see or store cookies on your browser. You can click on linked pages from the website and the Ixquick proxy will display those for you too.

While using the proxy, you are protected at all times by Ixquick’s outstanding privacy policy. (No IP address recorded, no identifying cookies used, no search or browsing activity stored.)

The Ixquick Proxy Service offers complete privacy and anonymity.

The downside is that pages load more slowly, since Ixquick must retrieve the contents and redisplay them.

Read More about the Ixquick Proxy here.

Say Goodbye To Unwanted Browser Toolbars


As SafeToNet does not save any changes you will not suffer from  ‘browser hijacks’ where annoying toolbars take control of your home page.

The Internet contains an amazing amount of useless, annoying and sometimes malicious browser toolbars. We have seen many different kinds on personal computers and the user frequently has no knowledge of how they got there. At best these toolbars can slow down computers connecting to the internet and at worst they can relay search enquiries, pages visited, etc. into the hands of Cyber Criminals.

Toolbars are installed in many ways. It is most common when users download and install ‘free’ programmes that come with hidden toolbar installations. Spyware is another culprit. This can happen when the user visits a tainted website containing the spyware. Suddenly a users search engine has been changed without their knowledge or agreement and they find it difficult to remove the spyware and change back, forcing the user to use the newly installed search service.

This can also happen when visiting genuine sites as well. For example, when users install a Java update, they end up with the Yahoo Toolbar unless they uncheck a box during installation. That particular toolbar isn’t spyware, and you can easily uninstall it – but it’s still an unwanted addition to the browser.

Annoying Java DownloadSometimes Java also tries to install the Ask Search Tool as in the picture on the left. Inexperienced users can easily be tricked into accepting this.

Sometimes the unsuspecting computer user gets unwanted programmes and toolbars. Download Flash from Adobe and you will end up with a time limited McAfee Anti-Virus Scanner installed, if you’re not careful. They’re all at it!

Try SafeToNet Linux without giving up Windows OS by running it as a virtual machine in Virtualbox.

SafeToNet is Safe for:

  • Online Bank Account, Emails, Social Network Sites and compromised websites
  • Cannot break host computer – no changes can be made!!!
  • No need for anti-virus or anti-malware – it cannot be infected!!!
  • Runs on old computers that would otherwise be discarded
  • Comes with Flash for viewing video on sites e.g. BBC News, You Tube, etc.


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