Avira System Rescue CD

Sometimes when your computer is badly infected with a virus or malware it will not boot (Start) Windows. You will have to start your computer from a Rescue CD to clean out the infection. Booting from the Avira Anti-Virus Rescue CD allows you to clean the infection before Windows starts.

If your PC is badly infected you may have to start Windows in Safe Mode. You may also have to use an uninfected PC to download the Rescu CD.

Download the Rescue CD here (It’s free). Burn the file to a blank CD. Insert the CD in your drive.

Restart your computer.

If your PC detects Boot CDs automatically the Rescue CD will start , so miss out: If CD fails to boot.

If CD fails to boot:

If Windows starts or attempts to start-up instead of the CD, you will have to go to the boot menu to modify the boot sequence. To go to the boot menu, you have to press the Delete key or the F12 key (Check with your pc manual) during the restart of your computer. Then, go to Boot tab or options and to Boot Device Priority to put the device in which the Rescue CD is in first position. Save changes and exit the BIOS setup.

At restart, the computer will boot from the CD.


To start the Avira AntiVir Rescue System, type 1 (Boot AntiVir Rescue System (default)) and press Enter to confirm.


The program will automatically load and perform self checks.


Update Tab: If you have just download the Rescue CD before launching it, it is not necessary to update it as it is already the most up to date version. Otherwise choose yes and update your old version.

Configuration Tab: If you are unsure what you are doing then the default settings will be good enough to clean out any infection. If you know what you are doing then click on the Configuration tab and choose your settings to your liking.

Miscellaneous Tab: In the Miscellaneous tab you can change the font size, use the command line or integrated browser.


Return to the Virus scanner tab and click on Start scanner. The scan will run and the detected malware files will be repaired or renamed.

When the scan is finished, you can save the scan report by clicking on Save and then by choosing where to save it. (Hint: Double click on devices to locate your hard drive).

To finish, click on Shutdown and then on Restart.

Windows will boot up normally.

Run a full system scan with Avira Free AntiVir Programme to quarantine all the renamed files.

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